PED Brasil is a pilot teacher professional development program on Mathematics education developed by the Lemann Center at Stanford University based upon the principles and practices of Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP). PED Brasil is supported by the Lemann Foundation.
PED Brasil is being implemented in 7 universities and 2 state departments of Education from Brazil. A team led by the Lemann Center at Stanford University is responsible for designing the curriculum and supporting materials (policies, syllabi, handboks, etc) , as well as for the training of the professionals involved in the implementation of PED Brasil from the 9 participating institutions.
PED Brasil Goals
- Design and implement a teacher education program based on the best research and practice available on how to train teachers;
- Build capacity in Brazilian higher education institutions and governments to prepare and develop highly-qualified teachers,
- Introduce the most current research-based pedagogy for learning and teaching mathematics in Brazilian Schools of Education and basic education schools.
PED Brasil Team
Paula Louzano and Martin Carnoy, Lemann Center – Stanford University
Rachel Lotan – Stanford University
Barbara Born – Lemann Center – Stanford University
Pia Wong – Sacramento State University
Kristina Dance – Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) and Youcubed
Fernando Carnaúba – Fundação Lemann ( Fellow do Lemann Center )
Mila Molina – Fundação Lemann