Alause Pires talks about the effects of research evaluation systems in research practices in Brasil.
In general, research evaluation systems are enforced, on the national, regional, and institutional level. Qualis is an institutionalized, formalized and systematic research evaluation system implemented by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in Brazil. It provides a ranking list of scientific journals in which Brazilian researchers publish their scientific work, playing the role of an important quality indicator of the national scientific production. The significance and influence of journal lists increases as competition between institutions for resources intensifies. In this research we analyze the effects of the Qualis journal list on academic publishing strategies and consequently on research practices in Brazil. For that, a longitudinal study was carried out with the Qualis lists of 8 different evaluation subfields in a period of 10 years (from 2007 to 2016). Our results show an exhaustion of the system that shaped the nature, structure and conditions of academic work in a way that does not contribute to the improvement of the international visibility of Brazilian scientific production.