The Brazilian Government announced the Base Nacional Curricular (Common Core) program during the first week of April. If approved by the Congress until December, the document will have its implementation started in 2019.
The national newspaper Folha de São Paulo published a series of special reports about the Base Nacional. In “Austrália, Canadá e EUA inspiraram base curricular do Brasil” ( Australia, Canada, and US inspired Brazilian Base Nacional Curricular) , Visiting Scholar Sabine Righetti explains how prior common core experiences from different countries inspired the Brazilian complex process to prepare the Base Nacional Curricular.
As summarized by Brazilianist and Lemann Center Director Professor David N. Plank, invited to analyze the Base Nacional implementation process and interviewd by Righetti, “There is no "average" or ideal length to the process--it depends on local conditions”, and “The quality of standards implementation matters more than the quality of the standards themselves” .
Published by Folha de São Paulo, via UOL on April 9, 2017.