Righetti graduated in Journalism from UNESP. She has a master’s and a doctorate in Scientific and Technological Policies from Unicamp where she is currently associated researcher at Labjor and LEES (Laboratório de Estudos de Educação Superior). She worked as science and education reporter for more than ten years writing for places such as "Folha de S.Paulo" --the largest newspaper in Brazil. Now she writes on science and education for Abecedário, a Grupo Folha blog, and, as a consultant, she collects and analyses the higher education data to produce the Folha’s University Ranking -RUF. This work earned her the Folha Journalism award in 2012 and 2015, and the Estácio Journalism award in 2013. She also was a nominee at the top3 most influents Brazilian journalists in the education area in 2015 and 2016. Righetti also organised the books "Direito à educação": discriminação nos sistemas de ensino(Edusp, 2010) and "Direito à educação: aspectos constitucionais" (Edusp, 2009), plus she has almost ten book's chapter's about education, science, health and environmental communication.