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2023 Master Presentations

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - 9:00am to 10:15am
Spring 2023
Lemann Center Conference Room

What does scale mean in the non-profit world?
Presenter: Fernanda Alves

In partnership with Team4Tech, we conducted case studies of two of their grantees, NGO’s located in South Africa and India, to learn how nonprofit organizations are able to scale their impact. Coburn’s (2003) four dimensions of scaling helped frame our analysis.

Examining Educational Inequality: A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Schools in Brazil
Presenter: Eduardo Duarte

Private school students consistently outperform their public-school peers in standardized tests. Private school students also tend to exhibit higher socioeconomic status, parents' education levels, and preschool attendance, all of which are traditionally associated with better performance in assessments like SAEB, ENEM and PISA. This study aims to determine the extent to which the score differences between private and public-school students are attributable to students' observable characteristics and how much is owed to differences in schools' teaching capacities. By simulating cohorts with identical characteristics, we estimate the disparities in score trends between private and public schools, accounting for observable characteristics. In essence, the simulation assumes that the identical cohorts of students attended both private and public schools, enabling us to gauge each sector's educational capacities net of differences in observable characteristics.

Presenter: Fabiana Fernandes

This project addresses the challenge of novice teachers effectively integrating educational technology tools into their classrooms. Despite the high number of available tools, teachers often lack the support and professional development necessary to understand and utilize these tools optimally. To support this struggle, we are developing Thubly, a platform designed to help teachers efficiently and effectively integrate edtech tools by providing easily adaptable templates and worked examples. Thubly incorporates elements of behavior change models and promotes collaboration through a global professional learning network. The efficacy of Thubly is supported by evidence from a learner study, which demonstrates increased confidence in utilizing edtech tools among teachers who had access to worked examples. Teachers also engaged in organic collaboration and shared adaptations of the templates. Further research is needed to understand online interactions and ways to categorize different learning activities.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) at the High School Level in Brazil: Two Case Studies of the Implementation after the BNCC
Presenter: Renata Leal

This study aims to understand how two Brazilian states, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, are implementing state-managed TVET at the high school level following BNCC. The two states were chosen because of their differing strategies in implementing the TVET track regarding course offerings models, curriculums, teachers hiring and training, student enrollment options, and the state's relation with partner implementors of the policy. Through document analysis and in-depth interviews with policymakers and partner implementors, the learnings and reflections from this research are especially important in this moment of BNCC review in Brazil.

The Relationship between Black Teachers and the Test Scores of Black Students in Brazilian Public Schools
Presenter: Thamires Mirolli

Considering the scenario of inequity between blacks and whites in Brazilian public education, and the recent studies on the positive impacts of same-race teachers on students learning and attainment, my study addresses the effects of black teachers’ presence on black students’ test scores in Brazil. A quantitative analysis was conducted, analyzing the Prova Brasil (National Assessment for Elementary Education in Brazil) Mathematics and Portuguese scores of black and brown students in the 5th and 9th grades between 2007 and 2019 in order to assess whether the number of black teachers in schools relates to changes in black students’ learning outcomes.

Sexual Education in Brazil: A Comparison of National Policy with UNESCO's Guidelines
Presenter: Natalia Ruiz Oliveira

While there is significant evidence that Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) yields positive outcomes (preventing sexual violence, gender-based violence, and STIs, as well as improving gender equality and sexual and reproductive health outcomes), there is a lack of access to CSE for children and adolescents around the world. The purpose of my research is to examine the current landscape of sexual education (SE) in Brazil and compare Brazil’s national policies for SE with UNESCO’s guidelines for CSE. Specifically, I analyze Brazil’s national public policies, national curriculum, and teacher education for SE, comparing them with UNESCO’s guidelines for CSE.