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Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz

Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz is postdoc researcher investigating cognitive and affective implications of new media and technology in education. She conducts several projects bringing technology innovation to educational settings. She holds a PhD and a M.S in Cognitive Psychology, a Behavioral Medicine degree and a certificate in Education.


Fabio Campos

Fabio Campos é educador e pesquisador na New York University (EUA). Seu trabalho é focado na aplicação de novas tecnologias para o fortalecimento do debate cívico e democrático de alunos, professores e comunidades. Educador popular desde os 18 anos, Fabio fundou e dirigiu organizações do terceiro setor, como o Curso Invest, pré-vestibular comunitário pioneiro no Rio. Em 2012, o trabalho com o Invest rendeu ao programa o prêmio Faz Diferença, do jornal O Globo.


Lucas Longo

Lucas Longo is an MA Candidate, Learning, Design & Technology 2016 at the Graduate School of Education at Stanford. He also holds an M.P.S from the Interactive Telecommunications Program 2008, Tisch School of the Arts at New York University where he created a mobile learning platform called Pocket Learning. His undergraduate degree was a B.S. in Industrial and Management Engineering 1997 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.

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