Mr. Ribeiro the founder and president of the Associação Parceiros da Educação (Partners in Education) and Casa do Saber S.A. (an EdTech). He is also a Board member of Todos pela Educação (Conselho Consultivo), and member of São Paulo State Department of Education’s Board of Education (Conselho Estadual) and Management Committee.
He began his career in 1979, as a corporate lawyer at Pinheiro Neto Advogados. From 1988 to 1999, he was a co-founder and CEO of Banco Patrimônio, an important Brazilian investment bank partially controlled by Salomon Brothers (NY), having led its sale to Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan). He served (1999-2000) as president of Banco Chase Manhattan Brasil and managing director of the international equities area at JP Morgan NY (2000-2003). He was also co-founder, CEO (2006-2009) and shareholder of the IT company, CPM Braxis SA, which was at its time the largest Brazilian-controlled IT service company in the country (later sold to Cap Gemini). From 2011 to 2018 he was CEO of Banco Indusval S.A., a Brazilian commercial bank. From 2005 to 2020, he was also a shareholder, board member and managing director of Sertrading S.A., one of the largest foreign trade companies in Brazil.
Jair recently also coordinated the creation of a new ESG protocol for the Brazilian racial issue, which was adopted by B3 (Bovespa), UN Global Impact Companies, Febraban and Ambima (both financial markets associations).
Associação Parceiros da Educação is a non-governmental organization that structures partnerships between the private sector and public schools, active in more than 700 public schools, directly impacting approximately 400 thousand students.
Jair Ribeiro holds a law degree from the University of São Paulo (1982), in Economics from FAAP (1982), and a master's degree in law from the University of California - Berkeley (1984). In the second semester of 2019, he served as a visiting scholar at Stanford University’s School of Education.