Bruna Pecin holds an International Comparative Education (ICE) master's degree from the Stanford Graduate School of Education. She earned her BA in Law from Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana, Brazil, and a specialist title in School Management from USP/ESALQ.
As a lawyer, Bruna worked in the public and private sectors, with an emphasis on tax and administrative law. Seeking a career with more meaningful social impact, she was part of the first cohort of Ensina Brasil, a member of the Teach for All Network. As part of the program, Bruna taught Portuguese Language at a middle school in Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, focusing on developing literacy programs for underserved youth. Starting in 2019, as a member of the Instituto Canoa team in Sao Paulo, Bruna coordinated CO.LETIVO, a teacher residency program, as well as the network of universities connected through Programa de Especialização Docente (PED) - a teacher professional learning program across several states. Bruna also led the team that developed a principled guideline with criteria and conditions for quality implementation of the PED Brasil program, to be observed by over 20 participating universities. At Stanford, Bruna researched how professional development programs for school principals can relate to more equitable schools. In 2022 she was awarded by the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce the Person of the Year Fellowship, a scholarship to exceptional young professionals pursuing graduate studies who demonstrate outstanding leadership.
She currently leads the Lemann Center of Sobral's scalability efforts, adapting the center's leading program to be implemented in partnership with States and other organizations.