About Marina Helou
Marina Helou is serving her second term as a state representative in São Paulo for the Rede Sustentabilidade party. She has a Public Policy Degree ( FGV) and 11 years in private sector prior her public carrear. Her key policy priorities include childhood, the environment and sustainable development, human rights, and the safety of women and girls. She is a mother to Martin and Lara and advocates for politics grounded in dialogue, transparency, and participation. Marina has authored 13 laws in the state of São Paulo.
About the presentation
This presentation explores the process behind the approval of São Paulo’s law banning cellphones in schools, using it as a case study to illustrate the complexities of the legislative process. It provides insights into the behind-the-scenes negotiations, the roles played by the executive and legislative branches, and the influence of civil society in shaping education policies. Through this lens, it highlights the challenges and nuances of legislative work and the broader complexities of education as a policy outcome. By examining this case, it offers a deeper understanding of policymaking in education and valuable perspectives on effective advocacy within the legislative branch.