About Geovana Lunardi
Geovana Mendonça Lunardi Mendes is a Vice-president from WERA(World Education Research Education), was a President of ANPEd (2021-2023/2019-2021) – National Association of Research and Graduate Studies on Education. She is Full Professor at the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences at the State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. She was a postdoctoral researcher in the United States of America (2018/2019) at the Arizona State University. She is a National Research and receive scholarship a CNPq, since 2017. She is a coordinator of different research projects and participates as a guest researcher in national and international research projects. Her research and productions have focused on curriculum and school practices, especially issues related to changes, digital technologies, and curricular innovations in the school space, as well as the curricular practices aimed at including people with disabilities and Inclusive Education Policies. She is a member of Basic Education Committee(CAPES) and the National Education Forum.
About Flávia Faissal
Full degree in Physical Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), with a specialization in Physical Education for People with Disabilities from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1997) (Capes Scholarship). She has a master's degree and doctorate in Education, from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), respectively in 2001 (Capes Fellow) and 2013 (CNPq Fellow) and a post-doctoral internship with a scholarship from PNPD/Capes with the Postgraduate Program in Education, Popular Demands and Contemporary Contexts (PPGEduc/IM/UFRRJ). Associate Professor at the Department of Teacher Training, area of Special Education and teaching learning, at the Faculty of Education of Baixada Fluminense, at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FEBF/UERJ). She is currently on Procad / UERJ License as a Visiting Researcher at the Stanford Graduate School of Education with a Capes Print scholarship. She works in the Postgraduate Program in Education (PROPEd / EDU / UERJ) and in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Culture and Communication in Urban Peripheries (PPGECC / FEBF / UERJ); and coordinates the Education and Differences Laboratory Extension Project (LED/FEBF/UERJ). She was Head of Department (2016-2018) and Deputy Coordinator of PPGECC (2018-2020). She guides undergraduate students with UERJ scholarships in the modalities of Monitoring, Complementary Internal Internship, Extension and Pro-Start; and has a PROATEC scholarship, Level IV Support; and, CNPq/UERJ and Faperj Scientific Initiation scholarships. She is a member of the evaluation committees for scholarship and scientific initiation programs at UERJ and UFSCar.