At the Center of the Stage: History, Structure and Evaluation of Brazilian Professional and Technological Education
The development of Brazilian Professional and Technological Education (EPT) has occupied a prominent position in the educational scenario. If the modality previously received peripheral attention, the High School reform shed light on the excellent results achieved by technical education students, raising it as a reference to be followed. The full development of the modality, however, is hampered by the lack of knowledge about the structure of the national EPT, masked by stereotypes rooted in the popular imagination, which ignore its history and prevent the visualization of a system that extends from offering professional qualifications to workers, passing through technical courses, until reaching higher education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Another difficulty arises from the lack of sources of systematic evidence (evaluative and statistical), capable of confirming the validity of the expectations placed on EPT and better guiding educational policies. Despite these difficulties, the discourse surrounding the necessary development of EPT has managed to produce an unprecedented national consensus that has produced the emergence of a new political-pedagogical scenario. In this Seminar we will seek to outline the structural contours of the Brazilian EPT, rescuing important moments in its history, its legal contours, highlighting the results of research dedicated to the topic carried out within the scope of INEP, in addition to pointing out its limitations and proposing new paths.
Gustavo Moraes, Visiting Scholar, INEP/Ministry of Education
Career researcher at the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP/MEC) and post-doctorate in Education at Stanford University. Multidisciplinary training - Doctor in Education (UnB), Master in Scientific and Technological Education (UFSC) and Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications (UTFPR) articulates the different knowledge necessary for the evaluation of institutions, programs and public policies. Develops research in the field of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (EPCT), privileging interdisciplinary approaches that seek to reconcile the qualitative and quantitative spheres of research, supported by historical and statistical approaches. He was the creator and coordinator of the implementation of the Nilo Peçanha Platform, which provides official statistics for the Federal EPCT Network. With extensive experience in management, he has held the positions of General Coordinator of Guidance and Control of Higher Education (SESu/MEC), Coordinator General of Higher Education Regulatory Studies (SERES/MEC), Special Advisor to the Innovation Policy Structuring Center (SETEC/MEC), Director of Statistics and Academic Information (IFSC/MEC), General Coordinator of Educational Instruments and Measures (INEP/ MEC), General Coordinator of Educational Studies (INEP/MEC) and Director of Educational Studies (INEP/MEC,) having coordinated the Monitoring studies of the National Education Plan (PNE).