Artificial intelligence in education
Alexandre is going to present his research about artificial intelligence adoption and application on Education. Artificial Intelligence can help early detection of school evasion and early detection of students’ insufficient academic progress. His research aims to understand the factors influencing the adoption intention and to support teachers, professors, and school managers to take proactive actions as soon as possible to avoid aggravating those issues.
About Alexandre Nascimento
Alexandre started his interest in applying technological innovation for education very early. When he was 13 years old, he co-authored a book publishing his source-code of a software for visually explaining lunar phases. Alexandre has been working in education since he was an engineer undergrad student, teaching at test prep schools. He authored a best seller book for ENEM preparation currently in the 9th edition. As university professor at FECAP he contributed to the development of “Programa de Qualificação Docente” aimed at enhancing professors’ teaching skills; and “Programa de Educação Dinâmica Progressiva (PEDP)” with the goal of filling the students’ gaps on basic education (mostly from k-12 public schools). PEDP led FECAP to get a maximum score in the government’s national exam for undergrad evaluation (ENADE). Alexandre authored 4 books about ENADE. He co-authored "Administração: uma abordagem inovadora com desafios práticos", an innovative academic book using language common to undergrad students, such as using social media lay-out coupled with QR Codes to podcasts and videos. While completing his masters at MIT, he realized there was room for improvement in content sharing in classes. His idea of an innovative platform including a physical device was turned into a start-up backed by Samsung Accelerator in the Bay Area. Alexandre is about to launch his blog about technology and innovation under the newspaper “O Estado de São Paulo” and he is a columnist for “Canaltech”, reaching in total around 50 million people in Brazil. He is about to have a book series about Artificial Intelligence applications published by Blucher Publisher, home of several "Jabuti Award" titles in Brazil. He is also a Faculty at Singularity University and Fundação Vanzolini, which supports Sao Paulo States’ Public Schools’ Teachers with development programs.