How do Russian universities implicitly encourage academic dishonesty among students?
One of the biggest challenges for the Russian higher education system is to combat academic dishonesty among students. In 2014, almost half of the students at Russia’s most selective universities indicated that they cheated in exams. Moreover, several independent studies observe higher incidence of academic dishonesty among senior students compared to freshmen. In other terms, students in Russian universities cheat more and develop tolerance towards academic dishonesty over the course of their studies. The presentation will outline the characteristics of Russian higher education system that may allegedly contribute to high incidence of cheating such as poor enforcement of academic integrity policies, low incentives for faculty and students to maintain academic integrity, and outdated teaching and grading method.
Evgeniia Shmeleva, Junior Research Fellow, Center of Sociology of Higher Education, National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Moscow (link: https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/46755299) . She is MA in Sociology and is now pursuing PhD in Education. Her thesis is about the role of educational environment in reducing academic dishonesty among undergraduate students at Russian universities.
Funding and equity in higher education: How does Brazil stand compared to other countries?
Higher education systems worldwide are grappling with the challenges of expanding enrolments equitably and maintaining quality in face of constraints on public funding and uncertainties associated with alternative private sources. In order to address such challenges, a large number of countries has adopted different approaches to share tertiary education costs among governments, students and their families, and other private entities, and to provide financial support to students. The presentation compares approaches to funding higher education in Brazil with four countries (Australia, Finland, Korea, and Mexico) representing distinct funding regimes, and discusses their contributions for increasing equity in access and participation in higher education.
André Vieira is a PhD candidate at the Department of Sociology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ-Brazil). He is a member of the Laboratory of Research in Higher Education (LAPES/UFRJ) and the Center for the Study of Wealth and Social Stratification (CERES/IESP/UERJ). André's current research interests include social inequality and stratification, stratification in higher education, and school-to-work transitions.