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Integration, Curriculum and IC

EDUC404 Topics on Brazilian Education
Integration Curriculum and IC
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 12:00am
LC Conference Room
This is the first of a dual session class with Visiting Scholar Jose Valente, on "Integration Curriculum and IC". Jose is a professor in the Department of Media Studies at the State University of Campinas.

Visiting Scholar Jose Valente, "Integration Curriculum and IC"

Discussant: Paulo Blikstein

The class deals with a brief historical view of the implantation of informatics in education in Brazil, focusing on two important points. One, the issue of teacher training; and the second on the integration of technologies into the curriculum. Training for this integration took place in the development of the projects: One Computer per Student (Projeto UCA – Um Computador por Aluno) and Inquiry Based Learning (ABInv – Aprendizagem Baseada na Investigação). Many lessons were learned from these projects. The text for reading presents a summary of the main achieved results.

Jose Valent has recommended that everyone read a short article he wrote, called "Inquiry Based Learning Project: a study of doing science with elementary". The article is attached to this email. If you are interested in seeing other similar studies, the other conference papers that were published with Jose's article can be found here: