Lara Simielli is a Professor at the Public Management Department of Fundação Getulio Vargas (EAESP/FGV). Lara holds a PhD and Master´s Degree in Public Administration and Government from Fundação Getulio Vargas. She was a Visiting Researcher at Stanford University School of Education in 2014. She has worked for the government, the third sector and international organizations for the past 15 years, having served as Project Officer in the UNESCO Education Sector, as Academic Director of the São Paulo City Council Parliament School, and as a Professor at the School of Education from University of São Paulo (FE/USP). As a consultant, she has developed projects for the IADB, UNESCO, CNI, Ministry of Education/Brazil, Carlos Chagas Foundation, Ecofuturo Institute, Unibanco Institute, among others. Her research interests include strategic planning and public policy management, project evaluation and monitoring, educational policy and equity.