Monitoring and evaluation of professional education in Brazil: the case of the National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec) By Anelise Gregis Estivalet
The National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment (Pronatec) was created by the Federal Government of Brazil in 2011 and aims to expand the offer of Professional and Technological Education courses, through programs, projects, and financial assistance actions. The beneficiaries of the courses are public high school students, including youth and adult education; the workers; beneficiaries of federal income transfer programs and students who have completed high school at a public school. In 2018, 5570 municipalities were awarded throughout Brazil, with an annual offer of more than 1 million chairs. Since the beginning of the Program's execution, the Ministry of Education, which acts as the program's manager, has maintained Monitoring and Evaluation processes that seek to analyze and consolidate information that will allow it to improve the execution processes. The presentation's main objective is to provide an overview of the Program's Monitoring and Evaluation System since its beginning, in addition to analyzing the different methodologies and adopted instruments over time.
Cooperation, solidarity, and student leadership as effective strategies to achieve equitable learning in low academic success schools By Manoel Andrade Neto
Full professor at the Federal University of Ceara and creator and Coordinator of the following programs: PRECE - Cooperative Cell Education Program (1998), PACCE - Cooperative Learning Program in Student Cells (2009 – 2014); Program to Stimulate Cooperation in the Public Schools (2016 – 2019). Led a team of teachers, (2010-2019), assigned by the Secretary of Education of the State of Ceara and in partnership with the Federal University of Ceara and the NGO Heart of Student Institute created by him in 1998, to implement training courses for teachers and students to establish the model of the Cooperative Learning and Solidarity School in the basic education. Consultant to the establishment of the Cooperative Learning Program at the State University of Mato Grosso – UNEMAT (2012). Ashoka Fellow since 2004.