Eduardo Mufarej
Eduardo Mufarej built his career in private equity and education as an investor and entrepreneur. He co-founded Tarpon Investimentos, one of Brazil’s largest independent investment managers with AuM of over USD 6 billion (Its main fund generated a 20% annual return net of fees in USD, since inception in 2002). At Tarpon, Eduardo served as Chairman of the Board at Somos Educação and Omega Energia Renovável.
From 2014 until 2018 Eduardo led the largest investment in k-12 education ever done in the Americas with the acquisition of Abril Educação, which he managed until the sale of the company to Kroton Educacional for USD 3.2 billion in October 2018.
After the sale, Eduardo created Renova, an initiative that is focused on selecting and training a new generation of leaders in Brazilian politics. Since its creation, the program has supported and trained over 2000 individuals in Brazil, helping to elect 176 of its students. This initiative awarded Eduardo the prize Brazilian Entrepreneur of the Year in 2018.
In early 2020, Eduardo founded Good Karma Ventures, a high impact investment partnership dedicated to solving major problems in emerging markets with a strong focus on education and productivity, healthcare access and climate change. Since then he has launched one new company, Galena, focused on propelling overlooked talents into the job market.
Eduardo was Chairman of the board of the Brazilian Rugby Union from 2012-2020, is a member of the advisory board of the Wilson Institute, in Washington, DC, of the Yale University SOM Council of Global Advisors and a fellow at Stanford’s Graduate School of Education. He is the author of the book Jornada Improvável (Unlikely Journey, 2021).
Eduardo Mufarej construiu sua carreira empresarial no mercado financeiro e na área da educação. Foi executivo e fez parte do conselho de administração de grandes companhias brasileiras como Tarpon Investimentos, Arezzo, Ômega Energia, BRF e Somos Educação. Em outubro de 2017, fundou o RenovaBR, iniciativa que seleciona e capacita novas lideranças para a política brasileira. Em seu primeiro ano, o programa preparou 117 candidatos, dos quais 17 foram eleitos. Eduardo também é co-fundador da Alicerce Educação, presidente do Conselho da Confederação Brasileira de Rugby e membro dos conselhos da Tembici e da Escola de Negócios da Universidade de Yale.
Irina Bullara
Irina has a bachelor and master in business administration from the University of São Paulo (USP), with a semester in the University of Turin in Italy. She built a career in finance and business development in different companies before heading the largest test-prep and education platform in Brazil, Anglo, at Somos Educação. Position she held between 2015 and 2019. Since mid-2019, Irina has been the Chief Executive Officer of Renova.
A diretora executiva do RenovaBr Irina Bullara Martins Lachowski é bacharel e mestre em administração de empresas pela FEA-USP, com passagem pela Università degli Studi di Torino. Construiu uma carreira sólida em finanças e desenvolvimento de negócios em diferentes empresas antes de assumir a diretoria geral do Sistema Anglo de Ensino na Somos Educação, sua última colocação antes do RenovaBR. Acima de tudo, ela é mãe do João Pedro e do do Heitor e também sonha com um Brasil melhor para eles.