Topics on Brazilian Education – Fall 2017
EDUC404 Topics in Brazilian Education
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - 12:00am to Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 12:00am
Lemann Center - Conference Room
The Lemann Center series on "Topics in Brazilian Education" will be held in the Conference room, every Tuesday at 9AM.
The seminar provides a great opportunity to talk about important issues concerning Brazilian education and also to get to know the other students and scholars at the Lemann Center. The seminar’s theme changes quarterly, and the focus of this fall’s seminar is to allow new and current students and scholars affiliated with the Lemann Center to share their research. The presentations are in English and typically last about 30 minutes, followed by plenty of time for questions, answers, and feedback. Professor Eric Bettinger will be coordinating this quarter.
During the first class of the quarter on September 26th, Professors Martin Carnoy, Paulo Blikstein, and David Plank presented an overview of Lemann Center research.
Below is the schedule for the entire quarter:

Please note: On Tuesday, October 10 we will have an evening class (5:30 to 7:30 PM) with a guest lecture from Alejandro Toledo, the ex-President of Peru, on "Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Latin America." The class will be a Potluck, so we will be asking people to contribute with some snacks for the event. It will be both an interesting lecture, and a chance to build community in the Lemann Center.