The content of this paper is related to the work done in the Digital Competencies Virtual Panel.
Research and Innovation in Brazilian Education is a series of in-house publications produced by the Lemann Center. The first edition is a compilation of debates from the interdisciplinary virtual panel “Digital Competencies Virtual Panel”, organized by Dra. Scheila Martins in 2016 under the guidance of Dr. Paulo Blikstein as the last stage of her work as Visiting Scholar do Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Brazil at Stanford University. This issue is devoted to sharing the individual research experiments reported by the representatives of UNESCO for Latin America and by researchers from Portuguese-speaking countries (Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Angola and East Timor), regarding the impacts of digital literacy on the realities of schooling, employability and innovation in these countries.
Research and Innovation in Brazilian Education compõe uma série de publicações produzidas pelo Lemann Center. A primeira edição é resultante dos debates decorridos no painel virtual “Competências Digitais”, organizado pela Dra. Scheila Martins em 2016 sobre a orientação do Dr. Paulo Blikstein, como o último estágio de seu período como Visiting Scholar do Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Brazil na Universidade Stanford. Essa edição é dedicada a compartilhar os experimentos de pesquisa individual desenvolvido por representantes da UNESCO para a América Latina e pesquisadores de países de língua oficial Portuguesa (Brasil, Portugal, Cabo Verde, Moçambique, Angola e Timor Leste), sobre os impactos da literacia digital para as realidades de escolarização, empregabilidade e inovação nestes países.
Link to the Research and Innovation in Brazilian Education, year 2017 .