About Irène Pereira
Irène Pereira is a Professor at the University of Rouen Normandy and a researcher at the CIRNEF laboratory. She specializes in critical pedagogies following the lineage of Paulo Freire. She has written and coordinated several works on the subject, including "Paulo Freire: Pedagogue of the Oppressed" (2017), "Critical Philosophy in Education" (2018), and "The International Anthology of Critical Pedagogy" (2019). She is a co-founder of the bell hooks/Paulo Freire Institute, where she has contributed, among other things, to the creation of video content. Additionally, she is a co-founder of the Radical Pedagogies Journals and the initiator of the Radical Pedagogies network. She represents France in the World Council of Paulo Freire Institutes. She has designed and conducted various training sessions on critical pedagogies, including digital platforms, such as the website "Anti-Discrimination Pedagogy."