Marcelo Knobel has been a Visiting Scholar at Stanford for the Lemann Center and is currently the dean of one of the main international public universities in Brasil. His university has just been recently featured as one of the top universities in Brazil according to The world University Rankings 2020. He is a Full Professor at the Instituto de Física “Gleb Wataghin” (Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute) at the University of Campinas (Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Unicamp), Brazil. He is an Eisenhower Fellow (Multi-Nation Program 2007), a Guggenheim Fellow (2009), and Commander of the Order of Scientific Merit (Brazil). Knobel has published more than 240 articles in refereed journals, mainly in the field of magnetism and magnetic materials. He has presented more than 80 invited seminars in several institutions, and more than 50 invited lectures at international conferences. In addition, Knobel has been enthusiastically promoting the popularization of science and technology, and he has been involved in discussions about higher education in Brazil and the world.