Cesar Nunes, Ph.D., is an Associate Researcher at the Group of Studies and Research on Moral Development, a joint effort from the State University of Campinas and the State University of Sao Paulo, devoted to designing, implementing and researching educational programs to enhance democratic participation, ethics, and diversity. Member of the Research and Innovation Group of PISA at OECD working on how to design and implement large-scale evaluation of innovative domains. Associate Researcher at the Group “Ethics, Democracy and Diversity” of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the State University of Campinas. Former Chief of Innovation and Design at Instituto Unibanco acting at the level of design and implementation of public policies and programs. Obtained his Ph.D. in physics from the Technical University of Munich, and a bachelor’s degree in Classical Guitar from the Faculty of Music “Carlos Gomes”. Specialized in Assessment with Technology and Teaching for Understanding in Harvard Graduate School of Education´s courses and in Implementation of Public Policies at the Kennedy School of Harvard. He specialized in large-scale transformations, program evaluations enhanced by technology, creation and promotion of communities of practice, development of educational software, learning environments and assessment using technology.