Graduate education in Brazil has advanced remarkably since its legal recognition in the mid-1960s. There are currently nearly 5000 master and more than 2,500 doctoral programs spread throughout the country, representing 49 fields of knowledge. The success of Brazil’s graduate education system is closely related to national policies, operationalized primarily through an agency linked to the Ministry of Education known as CAPES, to provide programs with federal funding accompanied by a rigorous process of quality evaluation. The graduate system has experienced significant changes in recent years, seeking to adapt its complex framework to contemporary circumstances and realities. This talk focuses in three such recent innovations, dealing with professional graduate offerings, graduate study via distance learning, and alterations in the CAPES evaluation process. The three innovations are discussed in terms of the challenges and implications (both positive and negative) that are associated with their implementation.
Bob Verhine is a Senior Lemann Fellow, CAPES coordinator for the field of Education and member of the CAPES Scientific-Technical Council