Pedagogy in Paraíba: curriculum, academic engagement, and social demands
In Brazil, the Pedagogy undergraduate program has a contested identity: teachers X educationists. Presently, it prepares teachers for pre and elementary school, with eventual emphasis on school management and planning, education research, social education, among others. With the 2nd highest number of enrolments among all undergraduate programs, the 1st among TE disciplinary programs, its students are mainly female and present significant gaps in schooling. Hence, this research project focuses on curricular organization, challenges to students’ academic engagement, and articulation with social demands. With a quanti/qualitative design, it intends to map the 83 programs offered by public and private HEI in the state of Paraiba and compare their curricular plans; describe students’ and professors’ profile and social representations on Pedagogy and its professional; and identify strategies to promote academic engagement, follow-up graduates, and articulate with social demands. The results can contribute to the current curriculum reform of the Pedagogy National Curriculum Guidelines.
Maria Eulina Pessoa de Carvalho, Visiting Scholar
Maria Eulina got her PhD in Curriculum, Teaching and Educational Policy from Michigan State University, USA (1997) and was a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Valencia, Spain (2011). She is a Full Professor at Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in João Pessoa, Northeastern Brazil, and teaches research, and gender and education courses in the undergraduate program in Teacher Education (Pedagogia) and in the Graduate Program in Education. In 2002, she founded a gender interdisciplinary center at the College of Education: NIPAM/CE/UFPB. Leader of the Gender, Education, Diversity and Inclusion research group and a CNPq (National Council for the Development of Science and Technology) productivity researcher, she is currently a member of the Education Advisory Committee of CNPq, and the Coordinator of the Brazilian Education Research Association Special Interest Group on Gender, sexuality and education (GT 23 - ANPED). Her research topics are: gender In higher education (women in STEM), early childhood education (male teachers), and teacher education; family-school relations and homework. In the US she published Family-School Relations: A Critique of Parental Involvement in Schooling (Routledge/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000). She has three children (Daniel, Valentin and Maira) and three grandchildren (Alexey, Ravi and Khalil).