About the Conference
The conference addresses the challenge of declining literacy rates and mathematics proficiency in both the United States and Brazil. It focuses on the need for digital literacy and math assessments that enable timely diagnostics and cost-effective educational interventions, which are essential for changing life outcomes and reducing disparities along gender, race, and socioeconomic status. The conference will examine the scientific and policy implications of such applications, with the goal of improving large-scale educational outcomes in those settings.
8:30-9:00am Breakfast
9:00-9:15am Opening remarks, Guilherme Lichand - Stanford GSE
9:15-11:45am Morning Session - What have we learned? - CERAS 107
- 9:15-9:45am ROAR in the USA, Jason Yeatman - Stanford GSE
- 9:45-10:15am Adaptating ROAR to Brazilian Portuguese, Luciana Alves and Rebecca Chrispim - Federal University of Minas Gerais
- 10:15-10:45am The Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Literacy Assessments for Low-Resource Settings: Evidence from Brazil, Karine Roncete and Lucas Klotz - Equidade.info
- 10:45-11:15am Teacher Practices and Student Reading Skills: New Insights from ROAR Brazil, Guilherme Lichand - Stanford GSE
- 11:15-11:45am The Educational Challenges of Brazilian Municipalities and the Potential of Digital Tools, Diego Calegari - Secretary of Education of Joinville/SC
11:45am-2:00pm Lunch Break
2:00-4:00pm Afternoon Session - What can we still learn? - CERAS 101
- 2:00-2:30pm ROAR as a Dyslexia Screener, Jason Yeatman - Stanford GSE
- 2:30-3:00pm The Potential of Adding Eyetracking to Digital Assessments, Aryaman Taore - Stanford GSE
- 3:00-3:30pm SMARTE, Math skills and learning disability, Bruce McCandliss - Stanford GSE
- 3:30-4:00pm The Educational Challenges of Brazilian Municipalities and the Potential of Digital Tools, Renan Ferreirinha - Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro/RJ
4:00-4:15pm Closing remarks, Guilherme Lichand - Stanford GSE