Teacher workload volume in lower secondary education: a comparative analysis between Brazil, USA, France and Japan
Gabriela Miranda Moriconi is a Researcher at Carlos Chagas Foundation. She holds a master degree and a PhD degree on Public Administration and Government from the São Paulo Business Administration School of Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV-EAESP). Previously, she worked in consultancy projects on human resource management in the public sector at FGV-SP and as general coordinator of educational measures at the National Institute for Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP). Her research and consultancy work focuses on educational policy design, implementation and assessment, especially on teacher policies such as payment, selection, working conditions, initial education and professional development. In her recent work, she has coordinated a research on inspiring practices on Brazilian initial teacher education (with Harvard University), and has collaborated with Brazilian secretaries of education in initiatives to improve teacher professional development.