About Renata Cafardo
Renata Cafardo, a highly esteemed education reporter in Brazil, brings 24 years of experience to her role. She has dedicated herself to discussing public education policies, spanning from nursery school to university levels, and covering national and international testing. She currently serves as an education reporter and columnist at O Estado de S. Paulo, one of Brazil's oldest and most influential newspapers. She also worked as a reporter for TV Globo, featuring on programs such as Fantástico and Jornal Nacional. In 2009, Renata made a lasting impact on Brazilian education journalism by uncovering fraud in the Enem, the country's college examination taken by over four million students. Her report revealing the test theft just days before the exam earned her top honors in the national press. In 2017, she further delved into the subject with her book, "O Roubo do Enem" (The Theft of Enem). Throughout her career, Renata has received over 15 journalism awards.