Dr. Rosana Louro Ferreira Silva
Docente do Instituto de Biociências da USP - Departamento de Zoologia
Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental e Formação de Educadores
Environmental education and equity in teacher training in São Paulo - Brasil
The main objective of my research is to investigate the collaborative construction of plans and practices of environmental education with teachers in public school, as well as providing the dissemination of the knowledge about innovative practices developed by teachers. The process has involved in-service teacher training, conversations, interviews and questionnaires. Considering the perspective of critical environmental education and teachers as intellectual professionals, we will present some research results developed by our group, indicating that socio-environmental sustainability and equity needs to be planned and taught in an integrated way in our schools. Finally, I argue that schools can form learning communities for socio-environmental management, involving teachers, students and representatives of the surrounding community in a cross-fertilization of knowledge.