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CIES 2019

Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 12:00am to Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 12:00am
Hyatt Regency - San Francisco

Come and see us at CIES 2019 - Hyatt Regency - San Francisco, April 14-18, 2019

Panel: Plenary session - Introduction to California education
• Chair: David Plank, Stanford University
Mon, April 15,
11:45am to 1:15pm,
Grand Ballroom C
Panel: How school in Russia’s mass education system reproduce inequality
• Chair: Martin Carnoy, Stanford University
Mon, April 15,
1:30 to 3:00pm,
Level -1, Pacific F
Panel: Cross-national studies on teaching and teacher education
• Pre-service and in-service teacher education and teacher self-efficacy in Brazil: Insights from TALIS 2013,  Barbara Born, Stanford University
Mon, April 15,
3:15 to 4:45pm,
Level -1, Pacific K
Panel: The Americas: Who wins and loses in education?
• Chair: David Plank, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
8:00am to 9:30am,
Level -2, Waterfront E
Panel: Highlighted session - Does mid-level management matter for student achievement? A case study of three Brazilian states
• Discussant: Martin Carnoy, Stanford University  
• The relevance of mid-level management practices in student achievement in the state of Ceará/Brazil, Ana Paula Perreira & Lucas Hoogerbrugge, Stanford University
• What makes for effective educational regional and municipal management: The case of Pernambuco state, Brazil , Pedro G. Dantas, Stanford University 
• Management practices and sub-state administration value-added – evidences from the state of São Paulo/Brazil, Filipe Recch, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
10:00 to 11:30am,
Bay (Level 1), Seacliff B
Panel: Plenary Session - What would 20th century American leaders of comparative education say about education for sustainability in the 21st century?
• Discussant: David Plank, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
11:45am to 1:15pm,
Grand Ballroom B
Panel: Roundtable Session (Tuesday VII)
• Gender Disparities in Education, Empowerment, and the Job Market in Brazil, Isabela Pinto, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
1:30 to 3:00pm,
Bay (Level 1), Bayview B
Panel: Effects and operation of publicly subsidized private schools in different contexts
• Discussant: David Plank, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
3:15 to 4:45pm,
Level -1, Pacific B
Panel: New philanthropy: “disruption” and the implications for education development (II)
Kathryn Moeller, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lemann Center Visiting Assistant Professor, Rebecca Tarlau, Penn State University, Lemann Center Postdoctoral Fellow
Tue, April 16,
5:00 to 6:30pm,
Level -1, Pacific F
Panel: Quality and qualities in development education: Don Adams’ life –long contribution to the theory and practices
• Making Policies and Producing Plans: Who Benefits? David Plank, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
5:00 to 6:30pm,
Level -2, Waterfront D
Panel: Current and future status of research in comparative education
• Where Does Comparative Education Go Now? Martin Carnoy, Stanford University
Tue, April 16,
5:00 to 6:30pm,
Level -1, Pacific H
Panel: Plenary Session - Two approaches to comparative education in the curriculum
• Plenary Session: Two approaches to comparative education in the curriculum, Martin Carnoy, Stanford University
Wed, April 17,
11:45am to 1:15pm,
Grand Ballroom B
Panel: A sustainable university in challenging circumstances. A case from Russia
• Higher education in federal systems: searching a new balance, Martin Carnoy, Stanford University 
Wed, April 17,
3:15 to 4:45pm,
Level -1, Pacific E
Panel: Education Finance research and practice in Latin America
• Chair: David Plank, Stanford University
• Discussant: Martin Carnoy, Stanford University
• Minimum Spending in Education and the Flypaper Effect, Tassia Cruz, Getulilo Vargas Foundation, Lemann Center Allumni
• Effects of Subsidies in the Educational Market,  Leonardo Rosa, Stanford University
• Is School Funding in Latin America Unequal? A Cross-Country Analysis, Luana Marotta, Stanford University
Wed, April 17
5:00 to 6:30pm
Street (Level 0), Regency B
Panel: Educational imperialism or the co-construction of expertise?
• What do teachers need to know and be able to do? Academic and clinical curriculum in teacher education, Rachel Lotan, Stanford University
• Science that empowers and the pedagogy it requires, Catherine Anne Lemmi, Stanford University & Tatiana Hochgreb-Haegele, Stanford University 
• Curriculum: What’s context got to do with it? Barbara Born, Stanford University
Wed, April 17
5:00 to 6:30pm,
Bay (Level 1), Golden Gate
Panel: Exploring issues of language and literacy in education across continents
• Teacher Clinical Practice and Students’ Reading Achievement in Brazil, Mexico and Chile: Evidence from TERCE 2013, Raquel Antunes Coelho, Stanford University
Wed, April 17,
5:00 to 6:30pm,
Level -1, Pacific M
Panel: New transdisciplinary readings of Freire
• Paulo Freire’s Continued Relevance for U.S. Education, Martin Carnoy, Stanford University & Rebecca Tarlau, Penn State University, Lemann Center Postdoctoral Fellow
Thu, April 18,
8:00 to 9:30am,
Bay (Level 1), Seacliff B