Challenges of monitoring education spending in Brazil
The analysis of government spending on education allows quantitatively measuring society's effort to provide resources to meet educational needs and, with this, assess the adequacy of financial support to a set of guidelines and actions aimed at guaranteeing a right established in the Federal Constitution of 1988 in Brazil. The primary objective of this analysis should be the generation of transparent, reliable and useful information for managers, legislators, researchers, journalists and the community, which may serve as a tool for the search for solutions to the most relevant problems, given the economic, political and social situation of the country. Studying education funding and spending is often considered difficult due to the language of the budget, which often prevents the presence of new researchers. This fact means that the most hermetic terms present in the field of financing/expenditure on education are not adequately disclosed, which can cause damage to the analysis of public educational policies. In this sense, this project aims to create a course to help qualify more people who may be able to demystify this field and allow the development of studies that can contribute to data-based analysis.
Denise Cristina Corrêa da Rocha, Visiting Scholar
With a PhD in Education (focus in Monitoring and Evaluation), a Master Degree in Public Administration (focus in Social and Finance and Administration of Federal Budget), a Bachelor in Economics (focus in Economic Policy), an Specialization in Computational Methods in Statistics (focus in Education) combined with 26 years of experience in planning, monitoring and evaluation, social and education policy, finance and administration, budget research and analysis. Throughout her career she has had positions at the Brazilian Ministry of Education, Health and Ministry of Social Security and Social Assistance, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA), Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação (CAED) at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). She also worked as Consultant for Internationl Organizations as: UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF. She coordinated the educational observatory of the National Department of SENAI and worked as analyst and consultant for NGO´s about education, public finance and budget. As a higher education teacher, she taught several subjects and directed course completion monographs. She has experience in education, public affairs, budget and advocacy.