Assessing Social-emotional Skills using SENNA: Development, Psychometrics and Validity
Ricardo Primi
Universidade São Fracisco, Brasil & EduLab21, Ayrton Senna Institute, Brasil
The recent attention for 21st century skills and social-emotional skill development in education brought large-scale assessment to the international research agenda. To construct a comprehensive measure for large-scale studies in Brazilian schools, Ayrton Senna institute is developing assessments mapping socio emotional skills on the conceptual framework of the five-factor model of personality. When applied to education and learning these core themes relates to the topics of (a) intra personal characteristics of regulation and motivation, task oriented behavior, will to achieve (conscientiousness), affect, emotional regulation and mindsets (emotional stability), imagination, intellect, autonomy (openness) - and (b) inter personal characteristics of engaging with others, power and influence (extraversion), and collaborative and empathetic interpersonal relationships (agreeableness). In the present contribution I will describe the development of SENNA, an instrument developed to assess this comprehensive SEMS model, and will document its usefulness, reliability and validity for large-scale assessment of educational systems in Brazil.