Ana Carolina Ribeiro, Lemann Center PhD candidate
Can a growth mindset intervention reduce the gender gap in challenge-seeking behavior and competitiveness?
Ana is a Ph.D. candidate in the Economics of Education program at Stanford, having previously earned an MSc and a BA in Economics, respectively at USP and PUC-Rio. Her research focuses on gender and racial inequalities of opportunities, with especial interest in access to higher education and career choices. She will be presenting pilot results from an online growth mindset intervention on gender differences in challenge-seeking and competitiveness behavior, with the goal of expanding this project to answer two main questions. First, if the growth mindset intervention is able to reduce the gender gap in challenge-seeking and competitiveness, which are behaviors found to be predictive of educational and career success. And second, if learning to become more challenge-seeking and competitive (through the growth mindset intervention) can have an impact on educational and career outcomes.