Adilson Moreira, Visiting Scholar
Racial Literacy: Antiracism as Education for Democracy
What role can schools play in building an antiracist culture in Brazilian society? How should teachers be trained to address this issue in the classroom? How basic understanding of political and legal concepts can foster racial solidarity? This research project examines the ways in which primary and secondary school teachers can contribute to racial literacy, an expression that designates knowledge of basic principles of civility that must be followed in the process of building a society committed to the consolidation of a democratic and racially inclusive society.
About Adilson Moreira
Adilson José Moreira Adilson José Moreira holds a SJD degree from Harvard Law School (2013) and a doctoral degree in Constitutional Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais Law School (2007). He has published articles and books about Antidiscrimination Law, Constitutional Law, Legal Hermeneutics, Law and Sexuality, and Critical Race Theory. He teaches at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo.