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Educational inequalities

André de Holanda Padilha Vieira

André de Holanda Padilha Vieira is a tenured Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology and Methodology of Social Sciences at the Fluminense Federal University and an associate researcher at the Research Group on Structuring Inequalities (Desestrutura/UFF) and the Laboratory for Research into Higher Education (Lapes/UFRJ). His research and writing focus on educational inequalities, higher education, school-to-work transition and social inequalities.

Portuguese, Brazil

Ana Pires do Prado

Ana is an anthropologist. She is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and at the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGE). She is deputy coordinator of LaPOpE (Laboratory for Research in Educational Opportunities) at UFRJ and co-editor of Revista Contemporânea de Educação. Her research focuses on public education policies, educational inequalities, educational trajectories, teaching anthropology and teacher training.

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