Camila Mendonça de Barros is PhD student at Department of Public Government and Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas-SP (EAESP) focused on Education Districts Management. She holds Master´s Degree in Social Public Politics and her Bachelor Degree in Economics Science, both of them at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Her professional trajectory focused at public sector as Cabinet Special Technical Advisor, when she worked at the State Secretariat of Education in São Paulo (2007-2016), at Social Development State Secretariat (2016-2017) and at Finance Secretariat in Campinas (1995-2000). She also has manager experience at Social Cash Transfer Programs Coordinator at São Paulo Social Development State Secretariat (2005-2007) and as Management Director for the Social Assistance Program (Programa Bolsa Família) at Ministry of Social Development and National Income (2006-2007). Her research focuses on social inequality, education management and monitoring of public policies. She is currently serving as a consultant at Instituto Unibanco developing a model to investigate the relation between the administrative structure of the Brazilian States Secretariat of Education and their respective District administrative structure and the high school results obtained.