Professor of Graduate Program in Geography (Presidente Prudente campus) and Graduate Program in Territorial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (São Paulo campus) at UNESP (São Paulo State University) and is chair holder UNESCO Chair in Territorial Development and Education for the Countryside at UNESP. Post-doctorate in Latin American Studies at the University of South Florida (2008) and Visiting Scholar at Stanford University (2016), Bernardo has been an active researcher Fellow for Scientific Productivity of CNPq (Level 1B).
In 1998, founded the Center for Agrarian Reform Study, Research and Projects (NERA) in Brazil. He also coordinates the editorial board of the book collections: “Voices of the Countryside” and “Agrarian Change & Peasant Studies”. His research focuses on territorial development, the theory of territory, paradigmatic disputes, peasant movements, agribusiness, agrarian question, and land reform. Currently, he is the coordinator of the CAPES PrInt Global Alliance project "Leave no one behind; Socioterritorial movements in comparative perspective and the SDG".