Throughout her career, Mariana designed and coordinated interactive exhibits for science museums, developing installations, structures, games, websites and applications, in addition to training simulators and distance learning interfaces.
In her scientific initiation, she received Honorable Mention for the creation of a software interface that allows data warehouse queries by less experienced users.
As part of the Microsoft’s Reseach Design Expo 2007 program, Mariana presented creat-e, a project related to the development of child creativity, at Microsoft’s headquarters. During the Interaction12 event, sponsored by IxDA (Interaction Design Association), she has received two international Interaction Design awards.
Having lived in different countries, she considers herself a citizen of the world and sees the exchange of culture and knowledge as one of the most valuable attributes in society. As a master's candidate in Learning, Design and Technology at Stanford, she intends to consolidate her expertise in Interaction Design, with the goal of creating ways to improve human interactions through education.